• Fast GitHub Actions runners on your Cloud! ๐Ÿš€

    GitHub Actions

    GitHub Actions is a powerful and flexible automation platform provided by GitHub. It allows developers to automate various tasks, directly within the GitHub repository, such as

    • building
    • testing
    • deployment

    By default GitHub Actions runners (the machine where the above-mentioned tasks run) runs on GitHubโ€™s Infrastructure, but you can run it on your infrastructure too.


    Cirun.io is a service to run GitHub Actions on your cloud (or on-prem), launched in March 2021:

    But why?

    • Fast and performant runners
    • Cost efficient
    • Custom Machines
    • GPU Runners


    By changing one line in your GitHub Workflow (e.g. .github/workflows/<workflow-name>.yml)

    runs-on: "cirun-aws-t2-large-ubuntu2204"

    or alternatively, for advance configuration, by creating a .cirun.yml file in the root directory of your repository:

    # Self-Hosted Github Action Runners on AWS via Cirun.io
    # Reference: https://docs.cirun.io/reference/yaml
      - name: "aws-runner"
        # Cloud Provider: AWS
        cloud: "aws"
        # Instance type on AWS
        instance_type: "t2.medium"
        # Ubuntu-20.4, ami image
        machine_image: "ami-06fd8a495a537da8b"
        preemptible: false
        # Add this label in the "runs-on" param in .github/workflows/<workflow-name>.yml
        # So that this runner is created for running the workflow
          - "cirun-aws-runner"

    The above configuration will create a t2.medium EC2 instance on your AWS with AMI ID mentioned in the machine_image key, whenever a GitHub Actions job is created, which has runs-on: cirun-aws-runner .


    Cirun is supported on six cloud providers, YES you read that right, 6!

  • Welcome to Cirun blog! โœจ

    Create On-demand self-hosted Github Actions runners on your cloud, some useful links: